Does bleach damage brick pavers? Since bleach is powerful, it can damage your brick pavers.

Using bleach to clean up your brick pavers should not be your first option since it can be problematic. If you find that grass, mold, or other vegetation is ruining your hardscape, you can try pressure washing first to see if it resolves the problem.

However, if the pressure washing option does not work for you, you can resort to using bleach with caution.

Will Bleach Damage Pavers


In case you want to remove algae or mold, you should first experiment with vinegar. Try spraying a mixture of vinegar and water into the affected area to see if it works.

Vinegar solution is a great way to kill off weeds. However, you must proceed very carefully since this solution can be equally detrimental to your cultivated plants that you have tended with much care. While working with this solution, make sure that you use small amounts to prevent the solution from spilling over into your flower beds or natural grass lawn.

After spraying vinegar solution into the affected area, allow it to remain for a few minutes to achieve its intended effect. You may require a scrub brush or a deck brush to clean up stubborn areas.

After using the brush, pour water into the area to rinse it well.


If vinegar does not work on your hardscape, you can use bleach. To create a powerful mold-killing mixture, you can add one cup of bleach to a gallon of water.

However, you should exercise meticulous care and caution since bleach can discolor your brick pavers and thus ruin your precious hardscape.

Since bleach can have such strong impact on your hardscape and lawn, you should test it first in a small and inconspicuous patch. Do not be tempted to spray it immediately onto a large area, or else you’ll have to deal with discoloration. First, carry out a test on a small patch of your hardscape to confirm that it won’t ruin the brick pavers.

You should spray the bleach solution carefully to make sure that it does not flow into your flower beds, lawn, or plants. Since bleach is detrimental for the environment, you should also take care that it does not flow away into a storm drain.

Remember to rinse the area well after applying the bleach solution to the affected area. If mold and algae have developed a tenacious hold on your hardscape, you may need to spray the affected area with bleach and then rinse it off two to three times.

Commercial Solutions

In case vinegar and bleach don’t work, you may have to resort to a commercial solution to get rid of mold and algae.

Having trouble removing pesky mold and algae from your brick pavers? Worried that bleach will damage your brick pavers?

You should reach out to us for professional assistance.

Contact us today.