What Causes Brick Paver Shifting?

Brick pavers are a popular and attractive option for many homeowners as they provide a durable and stylish surface for driveways, patios, walkways, and more. However, over time brick pavers can start to shift which can create an uneven surface that is both unsightly and potentially hazardous. In this blog post we will discuss the causes of shifting brick pavers and how to fix them. The most common cause of shifting brick pavers is improper installation.

Brick Paver Shifting

If the base layer beneath the pavers is not properly compacted or there isn’t enough sand or gravel used to fill any gaps between the stones then it can lead to movement as vehicles drive over them or when heavy objects are placed on them. The shifting can also be caused by changes in weather such as extreme heat or cold which can cause soil expansion or contraction below the surface of the paver stones. This is why it’s important to have your brick paver installation done by a professional contractor who understands how best to prepare the base layer for long-term stability.

Fixing Shifting Pavers

To fix shifted brick pavers you need to first remove any loose dirt or sand from between them then use a rubber mallet and chisel to level out any high spots where they may have moved up too far above their original position. Once all high spots have been leveled out you need to add new sand between each stone then use a plate compactor machine (or hand tamper) to tamp down all areas including around edges of each stone before adding additional sand if needed until you achieve an even surface across all areas of your patio or driveway.

Finally, sweep away excess debris and replace any missing pieces that may have been dislodged during leveling process before enjoying your newly leveled patio!

In Conclusion

It’s important that you pay close attention when having your brick paver installation done so that you don’t experience problems like shifting down the line. If you do find yourself dealing with shifted bricks make sure you take care of it quickly so that further damage doesn’t occur – fix it with a rubber mallet and chisel then follow up with additional sanding until everything looks even again!

Contact Platinum Pavers if you have shifting pavers!